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Many thanks to our generous donors!

Thank you to all of our generous donors in 2023!
The following gifts were received between
January 1 and December 31, 2023:
We are especially grateful to our
Monthly Recurring Gift Donors:

Dani Gasparini
Hannah Geyik
Lisa Hicks-Dumanske
Margaret Hsu
Jean Lundell
Sandra Moniz
Andrew and Stephanie Noon
Susanna Ricco
Ourry and Carolyn Schwartzbord
Nancy Sheinbaum
Carla and Harry Sillin
Mark Simon


Individuals and Family Foundations:

$15,000 and above:
Melissa Hansen

$10,000 and above:
Scandling Donor Advised Fund

$5,000 and above:
Lauren Edelstein & Siblings

$2,500 and above:
Doering Family Foundation, LTD.

$1,000 and above:
Scott and Meredith Armienti
Linda and John Bauer
John David Bukry
Robert Carr
Peter and Catharine Eastman
Rachelle Fung
Dani Gasparini
Dr. Z. Goldberg
Joshua Goldman
Rick and Naomi Hunter
Richard and Judith Imperiale
Peter Ingram
Carol Johnson
Christine Kalaveshi

Georgina LaBerge
Rob and Catherine Lyman
James McFarland
Elizabeth Meeks
Maureen Morley
Rajan Narang
Lucille Rasmussen
Scotasian Donor Fund
Mark Simon
Sophie & Arthur Brody Foundation
William Streby
Catherine Trindle
David and Rebecca Weekly
Bill Westfield
Derek and Robin Wolfgram

$500 and above:
John and Daisy Blake
Fran Eastman
Rosanne Foust
Kit Fung
Michael and Denise Gormish
Bernard and Michele Guillot
Ranjani Gunupudi
Giselle Hale
Diana James-Cairns
Debbi Jones-Thomas
Vicki Martell
Andrew and Stephanie Noon
Ashley Quintana
Susanna Ricco
Janet Thomas
Kevin Thompson
Manas Tungare
Lynn and Keith Virnoche
Jackie Warden
Robert Wilson
Joseph and Jenny Wucher

$250 and above:
Sabrina Ayers
Jane Boyarsky
Stephanie Chen
Howard Crittenden
Charles Dene
Elizabeth Ditz
Susan Fernyak
Hannah Geyik

Goodman Law Corporation
Russell and Linda Hayes
Lisa Hicks-Dumanske
Barbara Hooper
Kelly Ilnicki
Heather Jones
Michael Katz
Leif Langensand
Stephen and Maria Leaf
Jill Lighty
Christine Lorho
Elyce Melmon
Gina Meyers
Barbara Neumann
Zoe Nuyens
Posner-Wallace Foundation
Diana Reddy
Carolyn Schutz
Penelope Shepherd
Carla and Harry Sillin

$100 and above:
Kristen and Jim Anderson
Adrienne Anderson
Rachel Andres
Kenneth Arai
David and Joanne Arata
Cathy Baird
Richard and Constance Barrick
Lee and Bobbi Baumgartner
Rachel Beddor
Eric Berg
Kristin and Russ Blake
Sarah and Robert Blatner
David Boman
Monika Bonckute
Susan Booth
Russ Bordonaro
Celeste Brevard
Patti Brewer
Marina Brodskaya
Nancy Brown
Amy Buckmaster
Jane Buescher
Justin Burd
Jennifer Castello
Hinda Chalew
Celeste Chapman

Jennifer and Al Cheung
Roberta Chock
Amie and Brian Clarke
Sheila Conway
Sandra Cooperman
Brandon Council
Nancy Davidson
Samir and Lily Deeb
Marti Deepa
David Dill
Gary and Pam Dilley
Laura Douglass
Carol Drummond
Robert Dryke
Karen Dyce
Kaia Eakin
George England
Robert and Arcelia Eppler
Sophia Farquhar
Benjamin Fong
Bradley Friedman
Glenda Fuge
Ralph and Teresa Garcia
David Genesy
Don Gibson
Peter Given
Julie Goetz
Supriya Gokarn
Linda Goldman
Jacki Graf
Erlina Hendarwan
Trynie Hermary
Rudolph Heuser
Kristine Hoss
Diane and Steven Howard
Beth Injasoulian
Kristopher Johnson
Jean Joo
Roshan Kalghatgi
Diane Kenski
Willliam and Kathy Korbholz
Penelope Kriese
Naomi Kuhn
Deanna LaCroix
Laura Larkin
Karen and John LaTorra
Matt Leddy
Judy Lee

Parke and Sue Lee
Lee Cheerful Giving Fund
Fred Livingston
Jean Lundell
Mike Lynch
Amreen Madhani
Heriberto Madrigal
Yasmeen Magana
Michele Mairani
Cheryl Marelich
Kathy McAdams
Perry McCarty
Kenneth and Linda McCoy
Lauren Meltzer
Lori Menachof
Robbie Moffat
Beth Mostovoy
Anna Lee Mraz Bartra
Kathleen Murphy
Maureen Murphy
Ann Mylod
Brian Myrtetus
Kristie Neville
Trevor Newman
Wynne Nielsen
Brenda Nunez
Stacy Olson
Kristin Olson
Brooke Olson
Lynden and Charlotte Olstead
Alejandro Ortega
Jessica Osaki
Steven Parkes
Hilary Paulson
Kathi Petrick
Barbara and Jerry Pierce
Patricia Pierce
Linda Pilkin
Angelina Poole
Thomas Pressburger
Nancy Radcliffe
Sabaa Rehmani
Michelle Rick
Cheryl Ritchie
Lisa and Patrick Roisen
Dottress Rollin
Bernard and Shelley Ross
Stuart and Lorraine Rumley

Deborah Runyeon
RWC Pulse
Stacy Ryan
Alex and Anna Schernig
Liz Schuler
Ourry and Carolyn Schwartzbord
Shirley Schwoerer
Esther Selk
Maura and Erik Sincoff
Diana Smith
Michael Spanton
Kelly Stahl
Melissa Stevenson Diaz
Tracie Sugiyama
Ann Marie Sulzbach
Pamela Swint
Rachel Talis
Jean Tarantino
Annie Tate
Jane and Paul Taylor
Christina Temple
Adam Timms
Susan Toussaint
Ron and Ina Trugman
Lori Van Houten
Lindsie Verma
Stephen Wagstaffe
Robert Wellins
Gerald and Cathie Wentworth
Kimberly Wiefling
Greg and Carolyn Wilbur
Kimberly Williams
Cynthia Williamson
Brandon Wilson
Mona Wong
Christopher Wyszynski
Tianshi Zhang

$50 and above:
Alicia Aguirre
Elizabeth Allen
Dylan Bemberg
Norman and Marsha Lee Berkman
Jill Berry
Christopher and Alicia Beth
Diane Beu
Katherine Black
Chelsea Bonini

Leslie Braker
Veronica Breuer
Raquel Brito
Madison Brown-Moffitt
Bernadette Helen Burns
Alain Camou
Mary Campbell
Jair Campos
Yamini Chandrasekaran
Melissa Chong
Edwin and Janice Chow
Brian Coan
Christie Coats-Tran
Marcus Cooper
Merlene Cooper
Jennifer Coulter
Elizabeth Craze
Bo Curry
Renee Deming
Alyce Desrosiers
Steve Diaz
Francesca Draughon
Christine Edwards
Charmaine Eliason
Joanne Elliott
Pam Evans
Suzanne Eyre
Greg Feneis
Teresa Folau
Molly Foley
Michael Gallagher
Susan Galletta
Steven Garland
Elise Gelb
Paulette Giovannoni
Elizabeth Gomez
Katie Gordon
Gavin Grace
Emily Grady
Mara Grimes
Sonia Gurusiddaiah
Kait Hambly
Maricris Hansen
Amy Hartfield
Alexandra Hawley
Richard and Linda Hedges
Amber Higgins
Mohamed Higgy

Mary Holst
Janis Hom
Karen Horwitz
Les Hsu
Caitlin Jalali
Reza Jamei
Indu Johal
Benjamin Jones
Marie-Jeanne Juilland
Andrew Kao
Vince Kapral
Jeannie Karl
Jeanette Karthaus
D. Michael and Lorianna Kastrop
Jackie Killen
Gabriele Kim
Ellen Kirschman
Nichole Kohake
Kate Korsh
Susan Krauss
Taylor Kubota
Carol Lashman
Nichol Lee
Justin Levine
Roger Levine
Maren Lindner
Tom Linebarger
Vidyut and Ramesh Lingamneni
Kim Lucero
Alisa MacAvoy
Richard and Diane Mack
Margaret Marshall
Holly Matsuo
Yvonne Merriam
Sandra Moniz
Alyssa Moore
Alicia Nestal
Katina Noonan
Kelly O'Connor
Jill Ohline
Adria Olender
Layla Ouk
Daniel and Jodi Paley
Heather Peterson
Lynn Pique
Joan Pizza
Katherine Pollard
Eduardo Pretell

Jeanette Price
Robert Pronovost
Yvonne Prudhomme
Raymond Pun
Pamela Quinn
Anniqua Rana
Patti and Peter Randall
Tina Real
Christopher Reber
Becky Reddy
David and Wendy Redfern
Maria Rogers
Heather Ryan
Nivedita Saxena
Claire Scannell
Anastasia Scharff
Lolly Schenone
Corrine Schmidt Marquardt
Kellen Schneider
Karen and Frank Schwarz
Belen Seara
Nancy Sheinbaum
Marylou Shockley
Lena Silberman
Laura Sleasman
Darci Smith
Lee Solon
Heather Tachibana
Anna Takahashi
Ron Talain
Jorge Tapias
Edward Taylor
Alison and Hans Ten Cate
Nisha Thatte-Potter
Rebecca Tom
Brenda Trask
Lynda Vaughan
Mary Walker
Daniel Weaver
Sherri Weeks
Eva Weppner
Patrik Wijkstrom
Muriel Willey
Nancy Woo
Wendy Wood
Kimberly Woodhall
Jane Woodman
Heather Woods


Under $50:
Carol Abdelfattah
Nora Aldous
Frances Allen
Ligia Andrade Zuniga
Andrea Arana
Donna Marie Baldwin
Pam Barasch
Caroline Bauhaus
LeeAnn Beaver
Jessica Bloom
Catherine Burton
Anne Callery
Kimberly Cauhape
Tracy Chad
Hinda Chalew
Fletcher Chapin
Bernard Chen
Lynn Chou Jonas
Olivia Chow
Holly Colgan
Susan Constantinides
Jon Cousins
Elvia Cowan
Taline Cox
Jacob Creedon
Anna Debrine
Mary Jane Dempsey
Don and Margot Diltz
Elise Dixon
Mark and Lisa Duncan
Beth Eggers
Linda Fama
Suzanne Ferrari
Katharine Finlay
Bruce Fogel
Michelle Futornick
Angelica Garduno
Courtney Geibert
Lorna Gladstone
Elisabeth Goddard
Laura Gomez
Sandra Gonzalez
Jill Haberlin
Karen Hall
Diana Harlick
Christine Hollender

Shannon Hollywood
Eileen Horan
T. Hotson
Margaret Hsu
Karin Huber-Levy
Mele Hutton
Debbi Jansen
Nancy Julien
Anne Ken
Alice Kleeman
Alice Laine
Marco Leogrande
Leslie Leonard
Rianda Levin
Melissa Lin
Heather Liu
Lori Longo
Angela Malenfant
Elmer Martinez Saballos
Alexis Mathers
Eleni Maynard
Chelsea Meyers
Janice Miles
James Moore
Joane Nelson
Jennifer Nichols
Michelle Ocampo
Diane Ocon
Fr. Oliver Ortese
Kari Pelton
Ben Politzer
Audrey Quintero
Shovan Rath
Rebekah Rayher
Dana Rechin
Cherrill Roth
Rebecca Rowan
Kelly Rubingh
Desiree Rudd
Mary Russell
Rita Sabbadini
Suzanne Schlesinger
Julie Schneider
Carol Scholz
Cybil Schroder
Leah Segrave
Francesca Segre
Patricia Seith

Teri Shepard
Jean Sherry
Janet Siegel
Susan Siegel
Betsy Snow
Jane Solano
Berker Soyluoglu
Mallory and HD Stevens
Chris Sturken
Susan Swope
Emma Taylor
Randy Torrijos
Peche Turner
Tanja Vierra
Melissa Wilson
Kairen Wong
Teresa Yeager
Kate Young
Julia Zehr
Irma Zoepf
Debra Zupancic

In Memory or Tribute Gifts in 2023:

Gifts $5,000 and above:

  • Lauren Edelstein and Family Gift in tribute of Michele Mairani, our mother and retiring teacher, to be used for materials in the children's room


Gifts $1,000 and above:

  • John David Bukry Gift in memory of Irene E. Snyder

  • Rachelle Fung Gift in honor of all the children's programs and Open Sewing!

Gifts $500 and above:

  • Lynn and Keith Virnoche Gift in honor of Robert Carr

  • Jackie Warden Gift to be used for graphic books collection at Schaberg Library

  • Bob and Clara Wilson Gift in honor of our moms, Betty Munley and Ann Wilson, who always supported libraries and life-long reading


Gifts $250 and above:

  • Isaac Goodman Gift in honor of Jeanette Goodman's 91st birthday


Gifts $100 and above:

  • Jane Buescher Gift in honor of the Makerspace and all the library activities

  • Bradley Friedman Gift in honor of a library system that gives me so much in return

  • Penelope Kriese Gift in honor of Aletheia Kriese, a frequent and enthusiastic library user who loves to read

  • Deepa Marti Gift in honor of Dr. Emily Thomforde for her leadership with the LEGO Robotics Club


Gifts under $100:

  • Donna Marie Baldwin Gift in honor of Edward K. Baldwin

  • Mary Jane Dempsey Gift in memory of Mary Shea

  • Mara Grimes Gift in honor of Anna Lee Mraz Bartra for all the amazing work she provides for our community

  • Pamela Quinn Gift in memory of Stacey L. Allen

2023 Funders and Sponsors:

$40,000 and above:
SAGA Foundation

$5,000 and above:
Redwood City Arts Commission
Sares Regis Group of Northern California
Silicon Valley Community Foundation

$2,000 and above:
Easter Cross Association
IBEW Local Union 617
Port of Redwood City
San Mateo County Arts Commission


$1,000 and above:
Atlas-Pellizzari Electric
BKF Engineers
Recology San Mateo County
Sims Metal
The Cake Robin

$500 and above:
Davies Appliance
Fran Eastman and Edward Goodstein
Kenson Ventures LLC
Maureen Morley
Optimist Club of Redwood City
Slow Burn Eats
Janet Thomas
Wholehearted Yoga

$250 and above:
Dehoff's Market
Monterra Credit Union (formerly San Mateo Credit Union)
Diana Reddy
Redwood City Woman's Club
Seaport Industrial Association


$100 and below:
Amazon Smile Foundation
Peninsula 360 Press

Organizations that Matched Gifts in 2023:
Abbott Laboratories
Apple Inc.
Bank of America
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Texas Instruments
Vanguard Charitable

2023 In-Kind Donors:
Chalk Granny
Fox Theatre
Dani Gasparini and Alyn Beals
Grocery Outlet
Christine Selberg

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Our mission is to support the Redwood City Public Library in cultivating literacy, life-long learning, and community connections

© Copyright 2019  |  650-780-7045  |  |  1044 Middlefield Road, Redwood City, CA, 94063

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