Although the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed its start, the Redwood City Library Makerspace project is moving forward! A makerspace is a collaborative workspace designed for making, learning, exploring, and sharing.
Investing in a range of strategies for building STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) opportunities and support for deeper learning complements the Library’s equity initiatives. Makerspace programs and tools enable people to learn skills, build self and agency, and create positive change in the community. A makerspace is a powerful addition to the community that provides universal access to free tools and programming for entrepreneurs, tinkerers, artists, small business owners, and more.
Approximately 1000 sq. feet in the Downtown Library has been dedicated for the project. The Makerspace will feature a combination of high-tech tools (such as a 3D printer) and handcraft equipment (such as sewing machines), and will provide a wide spectrum of activities, including digital crafts, traditional crafts, and various media. Usage will combine drop-in and structured programs led by library staff and volunteers. A coworking space for small local business or startup workers will include whiteboards, a lounge area, and large screen monitors for collaboration and videoconferencing. We expect the makerspace area to get more weekend and evening use, and the coworking area to be busier during weekdays.
Mark Schatz of ELS, the architect for the project, has led design teams for more than 30 new and renovated library facilities in the Bay Area, and knows Redwood City well. He designed the Red Morton Community Center, and ELS is the architecture firm for the Veterans Memorial Senior Center project currently underway. The final Makerspace conceptual plan and construction drawings were completed in May along with a revised cost estimate. A written scope of work was developed and the project will go to bid once the fundraising target is met. Once bid, construction can start and the Library can begin planning for a grand opening, hopefully by summer 2021.
The City of Redwood City has committed $150,000 toward site development and the Redwood City Library Foundation (RCLF)has a $354,000 fundraising goal for the Makerspace project. RCLF has already raised $154,000, so we have $200,000 left to raise in order to stay on track for construction to begin in 2021. Please help us meet this goal! Donate today and move us closer to a breaking ground date.