Earning a high school diploma as an adult is a significant milestone that was recently celebrated by three new Redwood City graduates.
The Redwood City Council recognized the graduation of Genelly Medina, Heide Quezadas Pinto, and Shayla Melendez from Career Online High School (COHS) on September 23.
“I’m so happy I can finally say I did this! I am looking forward to continuing my education, going to college and getting a career,” Genelly said.
Genelly plans to complete the Medical Assistance Program through JobTrain and work in the medical field.Heide was inspired to complete the program by her older sister, who graduated last year, and is seeking a job in a bakery. Shayla was extremely motivated and finished in just 3 months, although participants are allowed 18 months to complete the curriculum. She intends to become a travel nurse and will enroll in a medical assistance program as her next step.
COHS is a Library Foundation initiative that is also supported by Project READ and the California State Library. It offers adults in the community the opportunity to earn a fully accredited high school diploma—free of charge. Students receive in-person tutoring by Project READ staff and guidance from an online academic coach, as well as career counseling. Many students work and raise families at the same time.
RCLF wishes the graduates well in their pursuits! If you know an adult in the community who could benefit from this valuable offering, please contact Project READ at mailto:rclread@redwoodcity.org.